Friday, May 23, 2014

Step 3, SAT, Accepted. (pt1)

 Step 3! Having no clue of math and definitely not being ready to face the SAT I entered the classroom and was happy to see the same instructor. I was feeling proud being there and for the last moment could not believe my presence in the classroom as a student of Step 3. There was A Huge Bunch Of Work ahead, a VERY Huge.
My very first impressions coming back:
  •  A FREEEEEZING ROOM. ELI's aka the champions were the first to enter their rooms, emptiness, darkness and frreeeeeezing very freezing cold in the room.  Sleeping with two blankets for the rest of the time.
  • Shopping. The first thing was shopping at the grocery, bunch of coffee for the biggest semester of hardworking needed and a couple of tea boxes, I guess.
  • The next morning classes began at my favourite 8.30 AM I am there! 8.30 a m for the rest of the semester tannndandan. ELI!
  • Coincidence, surprise, destiny? One of my closest friends lives in Svishtov, Bulgaria whom I also got acquainted with being in the AUBG camp and coincidence the new student in our classroom, whom also I first got acquainted with and was sitting sharing the same desk in the classroom was also from that city from Svishtov! It felt creepy. Svishtov is not among the biggest cities so seeing anyone from there was really surprising. Love coincidences! 
  • The question bothered me on the 1st class was what would happen to me as I did not pay the tuition yet because I had not been told to do so.  When one of the ELI's heads entered yeah my question followed. But still it was so good sitting in the same classroom, felt I was back home. The answer was : " You should already have done it" - was not inspiring. But everything turned out very well because no one really paid for the tuition so Okay!
Mostly my routine was consisted of fun  studying.   Hence nothing extraordinary happened during my living surviving.    But some things DID happen.
I was invited to the American b-day party after some rushing we went to the local cafe. Actually, this was my very first time being at the American b-day I don't know how much american it was but some stuff I noticed. 
After everyone ordered food and me from moment to moment translating cheese into bulgarian we sang a happy b-day song and ate a cake at the end. And here comes the interesting part was it supposed to be so or  I was just out of the world but everyone paid for themselves. In my country, when it's smn's birthday the guests don't pay for anything as usually pays the person invited everyone. Different customs it may be. But believe it was surprising expecting nothing of this kind ordering food, coffee and tandan you pay. I was a little surprised but it's totally okay, it was just different. 

That night was long and full of obstacles___ Firstly, there was no light on the campus at all and me disastrously and ponderously afraid of the darkness and dogs. Then I was saying the word "borshch" all the time I saw a dog on the street coming toward. Haha guys had a great time observing me saying borshch to a dog. I was  just afraid of dogs and borshch was the first thing popped into my head which eventually kept me calm! Afterwards, we were back on the campus, which was filled with complete darkness _ after sooome obstacles I spent time with my Latvian friend. Finally, I know someone from Balkans Baltics personally. Viva Latvia^^ 

Whoops, 5 am and too much  text. Will tell you more of my experience in ELI  later! Some party stories coming soon ;)


  1. Baltics, babe, Baltics not Balkans! Miss you already :) <3

    1. OMG Jeeezzz YES Baltics! Indeed xD Have to stop writing at 5 am.
