It was so awkward to be the only one on the whole floor studying. My mornings usually began with rushing and rushing later on the 30-min break I bought a cup of Lavazza coffee and sometimes dyuner with chicken. You simply get veery hungry after 1.30 h. of studying and you need to release off the nervousness of the upcoming SAT. However, keep reading there'll be a huge omg at the end. ^^
At the beginning of the semester I did go to the club with mostly Erasmus students from abroad and far away countries. No wonder, it was almost the only party I've been to because the rest of my time I spent studying, not fun. Anyway, I really liked that party due to dances and fun. Although, there were too many smokers but the music was fine and dancing with Americans felt different. And every time I had to go to the campus I was afraid of the darkness and homeless dogs these were the disadvantages for me.
The next 3 months were very tough:
- waking up early in the morning
- math. MATH was the biggest problem to me! I didn't really study it at school because my teacher hated me openly and I usually had lower marks than I deserved to hence I stopped learning math eventually. I was very afraid of math on the SAT and our math classes weren't enough to me because mostly we got the explanation of the tasks given and the new tests to be done at home. Clearly, I, having no idea of most of the formulas needed, was scared and nervous. I felt math was my soft spot.
- Every, every single day I learnt math on my own in the library. It was very tiresome because in addition to homework on words, essays and math I did more math actually I studied it from the very beginning. There was a huge book contained all the math needed with practice tests that I studied thoroughly.
So my usual routine was:
-lunch mostly I ordered food to go and ate in my room and whilst eating I studied >_< I studied words for the SAT on
- 4pm library => homework and the rest of free time - MATH!
- library clothes 9.30 mini-dinner contained of salad or some sandwiches with pate.
- more homework
- Clearly this routine was not very healthy and I caught cold very fast. I think, the 1st time was 2 months before the SAT I almost had the high temperature, sore throat and my voice disappeared but I felt compulsion in studying. I remember how my instructor was persuading me to stop studying so hard and have some sleep but I knew I didn't know math at all. Simply I cried most of the time because I was disappointed in myself. I had like 460 rarely 500 on math. and yeah. not good.
The 2nd time I got sick was just before the SAT almost 1 week before it. Nervousness, lack of sleep made it happen. However, in 2-4 days of very hard work on my health, drinking vitamins in pills, lemons, hot milk with honey, onions, every day mouth rinsing to be precised.
However, despite my depression over math, hard work on it, crying in vain because usually I had 1000 points in total but on the real tests it gets worse I kept studying. There was about a month until the SAT and I realized that my scores left a lot to be desired - again my cries. I didn't go out because I felt I would have blamed myself of not studying.
Anyway, in March was my 18th Birthday! It was the best and the most international( well supposed to be) birthday I've ever had so far. At the end I was left with Ukrainians and we had Loud and Long talks on everything. I ordered several big pizzas and reserved a lobby with sofa. This was amazing to feel honesty and happiness coming from my friends. A birthday cake and balloons. Eating. I truly had a great time. I was about to cry as far as I was truly very happy.
After my b-day and studying hard the biggest day came. The last day in ELI, the last spent minutes, the last practice test and the last lesson, feeling cheered up and spending the day before IT watching to the Ukrainian show\program Revizor, where a very pretty lady checks restaurants' and hotels' service speaking very good Ukrainian. This lady has so special energy which cheered me up and distracted from thoughts about the SAT. I was happy and missed Ukraine so much. Also that day I spent with my Ukrainian friend, we went to the grocery and later I was treated with grechka ^^ (buckwheat).
And there it was, SAT. Having woken up at 7 am my friend and I went to the local cafe to get some coffee and try to relax before IT. But ukhm, I think the SAT was on Friday and while I was waiting for my friend to come in the morning, ukhm ukhm very accidentally did I witness for a sec as someone continued to having "great" time on sofa in the main lobby together. There were a coffee machine operator and cleaning ladies so it was pretty crowded there and Ouch It was soo __ unexpected. So, I received a portion of good spirit before the SAT. YEAH!
After having coffee we headed to ELI and after some waiting randomly I was assigned to the same classroom I was studying in for almost a year. Surprisingly, I wasn't nervous at all I knew I did my best and on the actual SAT I did everything with pleasure. Time was enough to me, reading wasn't smth. we weren't taught and math, well I skipped several tasks, which I was nervous of later.
However, the next day we had TOEFL and nah who cares about TOEFL? After the SAT, doing TOEFL grammar was fun. So, everything was fine.
On the day, when TOEFL occurred, I was leaving to Sofia because I had a flight the next day. Ohh, you should have seen How I packed my stuff. 30 mins until leaving and I couldn't fit anything at all in my case anymore but still having bunch of stuff to be fitted in nah. I had a book under my jacket, socks\glasses in my pockets, several layers of clothes on me and this was because I had about 5 mins until leaving. Gosh. Can't believe I did it. Taxi exactly 4 mins until a bus leaves, a very nice cab driver driving the longer way to the bus station. The 30kgs suitcase and I with bunch of clothes on my running through the station to bay a ticket first and then to the bus. Gooosh. This was heroic!
Afterwards, I spent a night in my roommate's parent's house that I am very grateful for. The last Bulgarian food and Bulgarian hospitality was amazing and I was treated with salo ^^ Love it here every time I am staying in someone's house I'm usually treated with salo ^^ Then again I spent the night trying to repack everything so to in the range of limit which was 32kgs on a plane. The suitcase was hard to fasten. And yay 29 kgs! Great job.
So, it's pretty much of my time spent and my story about facing the SAT.
Finally, I received my scores, which surprised me because I got more points on MATH really! Afterwards, I took the official SAT in Ukraine on the 3rd of May again I studied hard and actually isolated myself whilst studying in my room. Miracles exist, I got 600 ( This usually was my maximum score on math). I enhanced my score and eventually
I was accepted to the American University in Bulgaria.
Nothing is impossible, even if you don't know math at all, work really hard and it's real to receive this score on the SAT. Trust me I was a complete zero in math! I didn't even know how to find the area of a circle and nothing is impossible, right?
So, if you don't know math then work hard, never give up and remember me. I did it and you'll do it even better.
PS. Also we had a great time learning math with Rafa - a guy from Brazil. As usual for the American Universities on the last lesson we had some snacks to eat^^
All in all, it was a great semester because I got acquainted with many international students.
Also, I attended this year AUBG musical which I loved! And everything can happen in this university for example Mongolians speak Ukrainian. I've been to a one more party at the end of the semester where I danced finally danced a l o t
Thanks for reading, keep updated some very totally big news coming soon.