Sunday, June 2, 2013


  It's really difficult to find all words, to express myself, to calm down...cuz. that's all...
Im like in depression all day today... but anyway, it's just leave school
So, now im officially finished school, i'm nit a pupil anymore...
And how was my prom....

Early in the morning we had to go to school to sign some papers, so school could gave us our diploma. 
Going to school i've met my teacher, so we had some talk, and i was telling that ...omg no school, i'll be 30 soon  :DD But it was quite cute you know," where r u going pretty?", -"um, to school, to sign, the paper :D" 

Then like after 3,5 hours my hair-do was made. I've even had a real rose in my hair :33
SOOO Prom 
I was alone in a yellow bright  dress :DD mostly there were pink  dresses...
Firsly, we've had an official part, when we were receiving our diploma, and we were giving a concert.

So, the principal congratulated was really honest ! And form by form, one by one, we got the diploma... i was smiling every moment being on stage  :DD
omg my name was said got my high school diploma!!! ( the principal said "Diana, u look like a greek goddess" ) ^.^

I shaked her hand, was ready to turn back, as vice principal (teacher of Chemistry:3)said in microphone " And also Diana is awarded Diploma for Outstanding Achievements in learning Art and Culture" ) I was like WHAT O_O Which diploma? ? OMG Art and Culture :33 omg i didn't expect to get smth like this AT ALL... .AWWW love my Arts teacher <3
The cutest moment ever

Then seniors have prepared concert...I've performed twice, ( acc me as others had some words that we've said......mine words were special, cuz. i really liked them , and was telling from my heart )

And our class, have sung a song, that our classmate has written on her own, it was dedicated to our Class was so honest, and cute... " We are thankful to you, we understand that it was not soo easy, Thank you, thank you, we're thankful to you" . Even our teacher of ukrainian has cute it was..:) Because we really love our class teacher, and we're thankful to her.

After an official part, we've celebrated our prom in a cafe........Food...DISCO 0_0 omg it's deserved to study 11 years, but UNBELIEVABLE
We were dancing with our teachers ....mostly....with...teacher of History...YES HISTORY...omg ...she was amazing in it...really good....omg....Every 5 mins i was tired...!! But SHE was more active than me O__O No, i swear, i was too i couldn't dancing, but she still has had soo much energy....Where she gets from all energy ?? O__O Awesome 

After a while  we were dancing with other teachers too ll together...principal, ukrainian and history teachers, nd chemistry teacher ( i was dancing near her she asked where is the rest of my dress cuz. it was short (so, it was double, long and short -for disco)) 

Can u just imagine that? :D DANCING!!! But i've even pine-applethough :,D
Then in some skit in cafe, i was playin' a tree :DD And i dragged a paper ...what my fate is saying....and  it was RING on the image :DD ring !! 

Acc we've had lots of fun there :DD  Dancing until 4.30 am !! :D 
At 5 am we've gone to the local some kind of park...and we've let free to our balloons makinga wish :,) 
Ah....5 am we were pretty tired tho :333 
But still yaaaay 

Bye bye school, 
Hello new part of life ,

It's unusual...but i've finished school! Im not pupil heart and smile will be in school forever

But i'll come back..... 
To be continued <3

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