Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year=New Life=New Opportunities

Right, it's 2013 now.And i've decided to make a simple schedule like u know...things i'm thankful for...things that happened to me this year or just what i've learned etc.
1. A lot of things have changed including me, well after flex where i haven't gone to US, i realized it's not all, so last year i've learned actually It was my First step into another world, into new opportunities. Just simple advices are to be yourself, to be happy and to be leader. I'm thankful for all these crazy-waiting days. Firstly, after flex all documents, deadlines etc. important stuff seem to me not so difficult. Moreover i don't panic now :D - Take it easy. It was really a good lesson for my life and ...anyway,  just go through all difficulties they r not so hard as they seem to be...
2. Abroad is another life.. completely another people...another cultures... And i like it....After becoming friends with people from another countries i started to be interested in their countries. Btw. they became to me smth. more then just name of a country...
3. Well thanks for Bulgaria, and for Americans and my ALL friends... The best summer ever, and another feelings...Not jealousy feeling right? Feeling when you are truly happy with all your heart. You are happy! You are HAPPY! Nobody looks at you , everyone is as they want to rumors... Seems like a dream but....dudes just begin to be happy...and show you real....Stop this jealous feeling, pessimism..It's not who you are. There is another world, completely.
4. No panic
5.I love Kiev...cuz. of all buildings that are situated almost nearby each other..and it's a big city though xD...but thanks to memories...Love Kiev.
6. Became to be more independent. Just begin with Bulgaria...cuz. i've almost done everything for myself...i mean i found information, found site..and soo? So? Just did it ...I wrote a small letter directly to camp-director cuz. i needed more information...I gathered all the necessary documents for visa...I got visa without any these tourists companies....Well thank you.
7.  Concert of Marilyn Manson....etc....:33
8.Realized that mostly my friends are far away from me...people who understand me and ..aww..i miss each of you :*
9. My pen-pails friends are closer for me ............ even  we haven't seen each other but we communicate everyday...well
10. Realized that i have to run away from here...Nope, I love Ukraine more that just's MY country...just i hate corruption and unfair attitude to simple people. When really person who is smart can't afford or go to our university  cuz. of corruption'll have to pay if you want to pass exam not everywhere not everytime but happens, unfortunately, a lot of times. And not serious attitude on ,....well just most of things are depend on how many acquaintances you have in these centers,companies, competitions....

And my wish list for this year, or thing i'd like to do
1. To play guitar
2. Visit more concerts be happy...etc.
3. More Americans
4. Enter to University
5. To meet with all my friends again
6. Hope that peace will win sometime
7. To draw more ...well i've started to draw finally..or idk first time...FIRST.... i can say that i love drawing cuz. my creativity time begins at 4. am :D
8. Start to learn Greek, Latin...and perhaps other languages
9.Hope that everything wasn't just like that ;)
10.Hope this year most of my dreams will come true too...

Hope everybody's good dreams, wishes will come true. Wish you a good year, and sometime everybody will be happy ....

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