Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 4 ( New song)

 Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy, it happened!!! But we'll talk about it later ;)
 I had to go out from internet, so i had some time to prepare myself.. and in internet suddenly appeared new song, new Hurts song, which  I waited so loooong sooo loooong. AAaannnd my internet stopped work. Yeah, as usual :\

  Okay, today before everything started Americans, we were sitting on stairs. Aww..stairs, America :DDD I've greeted with everyone, I've decided to wear American flag-scarf and American flag- t-shirt :D

Today, we taught Americans how to say some words in Russian xDD No, that was fine, they are Americans but said it really cool, Kruto ( cool) :D Then we talked with Americans, ahhh...I've seen some photos from vacation, then talked to other Americans.  So, tomorrow will be the last day but on the saturday we should go on the beach..hehe..but with Americans. I really like to talk to them..aww...

 Okay.......ta-daaamm.. NEW SONG  which makes me cry all the time... these words make you feel the song, you understand listening to it. Marvellous!!!
 The song name is Under the bridge, just try to listen to THESE words to feel them and to understand!! And smth. previous When I was in a camp, I've attended creative writing lessons, cuz. I love writing, and we usually listen to some calm music and write ...and once it was HURTS! It shocked me, cuz. I so missed them and love them. And their songs are really calm with sense, touchable, so..I felt it and started to write a poem.. and it was about girl who was stood on the bridge, she was alone, she was disappointed I've described every touch, feeling, that everyone could feel that and then she jumped from this bridge into the river, it was so cold like her heart, everywhere was silence, and river was lively, it worried like her heart, so after that she's part of another world not this one full of undevoted air. And NOW we can hear NEW song HURTS song, under the bridge of course it's completely another story but, it reminded me of my poem , and just camp, a coincidence again?

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