Friday, March 15, 2013

The last day i'm 16.

 So, tomorrow is my birthday.  Everyday I think abt my life, future etc. And i really see a big difference between hw was earlier and now. Honestly, as i said I've changed, my lifeis changing, and my dreams come true. I used to believe that one day i'll see America, that i will have friends, that i will see London and Manchester, etc.
  Honestly, now i'm happy because i have friends, but they all are far away from me :\ but it's okay. If earlier I was upset that i have no friends here, or it's difficult to me to chat and have smth in common with them, so now i know that really i'm different, they are different and we have nothing in common. And it's not my fault, i just live in another world, the real one. Where i'm happy.
   I was thinking, how many happened with me in my 16. Gosh i'm only 16, and i already know where i will study. ( Moreover, i'll received an official letter from aubg ...Gosh the real Bulgarian letter frim American Uni O_O :33), i was on 2 concerts and ob both of them i received autographs, took photos and have smth. that will remind abt these great times. None of my previous "friends" can say tht they communicate with people from another countried, they are not interested in it... But i have ...have real friends. Noone can say that they obtained visa for themselves without any help of adults or parents.
  I'm really thankful to my life, and people who turned me back into real life, who proved tht there is nothing impossible, and discovered ,yself as a really OMG super-crazy-funny person :))
  And i'm happy now, because i proved tht i can do smth. Btw. now i don't care abt exams for our Ukrainian Unis cuz. i won't study in them. I'm happy tht i will study in another country.  So, i'm not so stupid as smb. might think? And now i can say that i have a real life, and i know what i want.

   I used to dream, and my life shows me and really does everything tht my dream could come true. Perhaps, i will never belive tht, once especially when i'm 16, i will have an opportunity to chat with and see and get acquainted with real Americans. I remember how i was 12 and watched Animal Cops on tv where they rescued animals, i liked to watch the Americans simple houses, i was eager to study in American college etc. Then at 14-15 I was super dreaming abt England, abt Manchester . I was so happy when i could chat with smn. from all these places. But i couldn't imagine tht i will have an opportunity to turn all of that into reality .

  I see how my life shows my the right way. And anyway i'm not upset anymore that i have no friends here, and can't chat with them. I don't care about what people think about me. Because I know that i have real friends, and i'm a kind and honest person. If you don't want to see me real, so i can't help you.

  And now other super wow gosh news . I have a cute English friend ( haha..finally not American :,D). And we got acquainted like a year ago. So, yesterday we both have sent letters to each other. OMH this is sooo exciting :DD And also after letters we will send to each other some package. AAAA. I can't wait for real English thing and stuff :)))
   Moreover, we want, we'll try, we hope that i can maybe come to England...There are a lot of points we need to figure out . But, u know, i've imagined that i will have an opportunity to see the real super England with its streets, houses..and English accent :)) GOSH ! ENGLAND O.O And im only 16 ...was.

    Other news, that i hope you all know my super passion to chemistry. I just like it because we have a really nice teacher. And for 4 or more idk yrs i wanted, studied, tried to prove, show tht im good at it. I was trying to study it really hard..and I even can't believe my ears...That now i'm good in chemistry. My dream and my aim came true. I used to dream to hear these words, to hear compliment from teacher who i like so much. And im so happy that she recognized me as a good student...but Im so happy :333

    As i said earlier, i've already received an official letter from aubg... And i think that i will go to Bulgaria this fall to study on courses. We'll what it would be. And i hope at least next year i will have an awesome birthday, cuz. this year i even won't celebrate it :\ And moreover, i have a really bad thorethroat just before my b-day, so i even didn't go to school today. I should be so lucky....

 Still hope for a miracle on b-day, but not really. :( Hope the person whose congratulation i want to see the most will write me...Anyway happy b-day to me :33
Life is not so bad tho...
I'm happy.
Go England !

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Everything has happened

 Dreams come true? Or how many times did i say, that nothing happens just like that...Hmmm...
 Well, it's really strange and really awesome and unexpected situation! I've applied to American University in Bulgaria, and i didn't pass all the necessary tests really awesome but let it be.... When i received my results...Uhm i even can't say i was super-upset omg, nope..I thought okay, that's how it should be. :33...
BUT I KNEW IT :DDDD   1 month later i received message, first impression shock and just WHAT?
 Well, this time the University wrote me, and my application was conditionally approved, yeah conditionally but anyway i didn't loose, that's my chance woohhooo..
Honest;y, i was really, really shocked , i was just what...2 messages saying smth abt visa etc... WHAT WHERE MOOOOOM IM GOING TO BULGARIA XDDDD
 Then I was dancing i was shocked, and this sentence in my acceptance letter we were really impressed of your academical achievements..awww. :)
Well, in conclusion they proposed me to attend preparation English courses and after passing all the tests again i'll be officially student :333 And i think i'll take this opportunity...Here i go Bulgaria :D Ah, so excited and happy :) Thank u AUBG !!!
Despite there a lot of problems i need to figure out to receive visa and international passport ...but awww...just papers)

And other super-cool yaaay news :
Remember my super chemistry, that i love the most...!
Well first time in my life i received high mark on chemistry test ! I was so happy ..too mush happiness huh?
Ah, just too much information but okay
Then u know that i love create videos on different topics so this time ..! I was asked to create the video for local city competition..I was like OMG !! YYAAAAY  Ah, I 'm growing ! They entrustem me to do that :33 as a talented students who likes this stuff ( Thanks to Art- teacher ^^ cuz she advised me to do the video :33)  so cute love them :333

And moreover, idk where and how, but i have a lot of cool high marks on chemistry..
It's like u know all my dreams came true...

Ahahah..otr probable my teacher was afraid of my ghost xDD Cuz i said that if this year i wont get high mark on chemistry, my ghost would live in this school forever :DDD

So, i really have a lot of news and cant still realize or can ..But i'm happy can't wait to start my studying in aubg.  But i didnt finish my school yet what r u talking abt? Ah, strange feeling to sit on lesson and realize that yaay u've already accepted :333

By the way, dreams really come  true, especially when u don't expect for them . :33

And other super-cute -awesome - wow stuff....The super-cool American again liked my status cuz i've mentioned abt her super really aww awesome  ability to be a theater actress ( idk if i say it right :\). And AWWW THAT'S MADE ME HAPPY AND CRYING :,3  Haha, it's crazy, but it's just a small stuff that make me soo happy :3

See u soon...
Oh, and on my  English  course we had talk or lesson with American woow? :DDD It was cool, aw as usual, Americans yaay...We talked abt politic stuff abt America and I was listening to this super American accent :,3
That's all..for now