Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What has happened?

What has happened, I wonder? - That's the favorite words of my english teacher when smb. comes late. But the reason i'm writing uhmm completely another.

  U know  these couple days I was completely shocked! How we changed, how our nation has changed, WHY? Because, I know we had soooo manyy traditions, we are one of the most generous nation ...but we've changed. The main problem here now is two language...uhmm u know official language is Ukrainian but we speak russian....cuz. of history ..u know, right?
But i was soo shocked ..okay yesterday we were in school canteen ..and uhm. smn. haven't paid for a tea..just cup of tea...(which costs here 0.25 hrn, it's like i even don't know like 2-3 coins or so, i'm not good at it ....anyway this IS VERY VERY CHEAP) But this worker started to yell all around and she was screaming A LOT ...CUZ OF  1 CUP OF TEA? And then she took the cup and poured on the floor CUZ OF  1 CUP!?

And it's not buses we have this system like for students public transport is cheaper if u have documents which will prove that u r student...Well i have this kind of document, everything is fine..But worker found smth she didn't like BUT IT WAS RIGHT AND COMPLETELY LEGAL  and said to pay full price, this document is not real bla bla, how i can prove it ...WHY AND HOW ? WHY HAS IT HAPPENED? WHY?  and she was yelling on me...JUST CUZ OF  1.0 HRN  people ready to yell on u and say to everything that u want to....RUDE. She was screaming on me for all bus..but i was trying normally explain it's normal document and everything is fine...Now u know I remember everything and want to cry cuz...this is unfair..and not really pleasant....HOW PEOPLE FOR SUCH LITTLE MONEY FOR FEW COINS...READY TO YELL AND TO ...ugh it's too difficult.

I'm shocked, upset and ....this feeling of unfair...

But I want to say we are really good, generous nation...we have so many traditions...We meet our guests with bread and salt..we always ready to meet any guests...But the government of sowjet union just destroyed our REAL   nation. Because of a huge pressure and even ban for anything Ukrainian...

We are not bad, we just tired...

Anyway, I will always love Ukraine!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


 What's up people?  It's been a long time... soo..
It's 3 Am here and i have school tomorrow..ahaha..But i've slept all day today so i don't wanna sleep.
!I was writing  speech for my lesson of history..the topic is Ukrainian-American affairs..That's right topic dude ! Special for me..So I've done some researches ..oh...we have a lot of affairs ..u know..
Okay, so i was sitting, writing as suddenly electricity switched off...RIGHT I'M THE LUCKY ONE work was almost ready ...duude...Thanks to autosaver i found it yaaayy...

Guess what? I like WI ahaha...u know i've met here a volunteer from this state and aww..she's so cute Wisconsiner...That's what i like in Americans u can ...keep smiling :) She presented me a fridge magnet of WI state and brooch with Alaska... Perhaps for u it's simple deal..but i was so surprised..we haven't seen uhm for 2 weeks perhaps but ...dude i'm really really really happy :DDD Now i feel closer to Wisconsin..ahaha..

And more boring news firstly smth. has happened to world and people..cuz. i can't recognize my friend. She changed herself...she's more pessimistic now (okay i like these people and usually make them happy) but here it seems like i'm the worst enemy..u know when this type of people start argue and's a long story U.u... But i do hope we'll be back and everything gonna be okay...

Secondly i even don't usual there is mess in my head cuz. i have 2 weeks even less to do all the paper work for Uni i want to try to's uni where i was at camp..AUBG....right just for try..not bad :DD..anyway my general aim was Austria :) So, let's just try, okay? I do hope for financial aid-:3

And uhmm...I'm going to concert almost in the end of december..before Armageddon :)!!! Ahhaahah...but if I will say what kind of concert it's gonna be..hahaha...Let it be a small secret :D

And today I had such good of them awwww....Dude...It was a super-funny dream :D We were in my school and ..yyaaayyy....YYYAAAAYYY...The most American person ..Katelyn  from camp  was dancing and.... was dancing ...And i was ...was dancing....everyone was dancing ...and it was....
And later in another dream...i found a huge spider in seeds xD when i'll be in this part of school i will be thinking of this dream(about the first one of course)..and it was a super inspirited dream..

Hahah...and i found a real American typical pullover..which u have in colleges usually...And i wanted to put it on tomorrow..

Perhaps it was sign..
American spirit is coming

Sunday, November 4, 2012


 Month has gone away, so what's going on?
     Actually there are some changes ..yeah,yeah again, and i don't think they are really good. Okay, let's start. I feel more depressed and it's impressed me a lot. I don't want to be without smile cuz. u know that it's me...but it's hard, It's hard to survive here. I don't wanna be like depression person but i can't be so crazy as i can be..perhaps the main reason is surround area. Where there are no people who can smile with u and u r the only one who try to keep smiling and help others ...sometimes it's hard cuz. u haven't anyone who will help u...but i wish to have this person. I'm happy but as Americans said we all have Brick faces, and if u live here for couple days u will be the same. I want to smile but gosh it's hard. Yup, there is nothing impossible but where is everything? I still love my country cuz. a lot people say i don't love, i'm patriotic!

But if you've seen the small world i had seen, you'll understand me. Because when you are with people with who you want to smile anyway you just feel yourself. School is going good but not perfectly...even my enthusiasm run away because if u are the only one with really crazy spirit, nope it's pointless.

I have American English that what my teachers said and uhm, okay...but i have to change it..mmm never ! I prefer American English and yup finally i see the deference in accent and so on...cuz. yeah there is a huge difference for British is like another language for me and i should forget all my skills and start to learn British. No way...even if teachers say so...

But what is really hard, is when you had aims in your life which you wanted to achieve..and suddenly everything has fallen down(  Earlier I had some kind of falling but then i had a camp yyyaaayyy...but now..again i've lost my aims. And when i have no reason to work for i don't want to work. The same with English we'll have the week of English language and last year i've done a hard work making the video so this year again i have a LOT of ideas, but after some minutes...i don't want to realize them...because there is no sense...good mark? okay i'll have it and what's next....nothing. Nobody will appreciate it, so i won't waste my time.

Some changes...but they are necessary to survive here...cuz. you start to do everything as your surround. But when i talk to American...yayy no way ! Here yaaayyy...there are some, even a lot of Peace Corps and i'm Happy...truly happy..cuz. i understand them and i'm eager to communicate with them...Yaaayyyyyy! Cuz. I can smile, finally, to them...and i won't be "crazy". I'm happy, Americans are my world, i like to be free and smiley. don't care. guacamole hahaha...

Okay, this month we were in Kiev( capital of Ukraine) with my class , and visited some museums ...And it reminds me of Bulgaria when we got to Sofia with Bus ( with Bus with Americans haha) And i remembered this moment when i said to myself that i'm like in America, simple bus yeah, but instead of our teachers here i have Americans...and when i was sitting  in bus i've mentioned Americans so saadd...
BUT this month we've met two Georgians yaayy...I dunno perhaps i attract foreigners but they were Georgians i just like foreigners and Georgians too, after camp a lot of countries started to be something more than just countries for me...I still remember some words in Georgian * We helped them to find the right way.

I have some work for school u know homework, presentations..And no understanding ...this is my last year...!
But tomorrow i want to go to school a little bit more that earlier cuz. finally i sit with my friend in class...u know we have double desks here aha... So, have to do 5 presentations but i almost ready with work.
We had Halloween uhm..but we didn't celebrate it...But I hope some day I will celebrate it! Some a lot of thoughts about changes, people and changes...because some people have changed and their personality too,,,
But keep smiling still yep try to do that, to forget something ... And it's such a pity to have people who you understand and they are like you, but  so far from you.

When you miss people not the place, when you miss the atmosphere, when you don't care about some problems because this feeling substituted another feeling.
By the way I've met Americans ...even from Wisconsin ...cuz. I love Wisconsin ...or it's better say she's from Alaska ...Anyway i do love these both states, And that what i can call ( what is good has happened with me this month).

Anyway it was october and next october i hope i'll be writing my blog in other place ;)